Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Something Learned Day 2

I honestly can't believe the video we watched today in class on the "six sense" technology. I just think that's absolutely crazy. I think it's scary how technology is completely changing our lives. I never thought of it from the previous generations view of how technology has advanced in their lifetimes.
I think that it's weird how when the guy using the "six sense" walked up to a stranger and his camera told him who he was and all about him. I feel like that's not safe in our society today. As we also talked about in class today, I think it's taking technology too far. It's going to make our society lazy and irresponsible. We have to do some things for ourselves, we can't let technology run our lives.
On the other hand - It's cool that people are coming up with new ways to use technology, even if I don't completely agree with it :)


  1. I agree that it is way scary to think about!

  2. I thought it was cray too! I think being able to know all that informaiton about people when you meet them is creepy. I think we are getting into so dangerous territory!
