Thursday, September 10, 2009

Day 3

So yesterday we worked with Dr. Diers on using clickers in the classroom. I've previously had Dr. Diers as a professor and she used clickers on a regular basis in the classroom. I think it's such a great idea. I'm a student who doesn't like to actively participate in the classroom, so this gives me an opportunity to give my input in the discussion without voicing my opinion to the whole class. I think that it's a good way to draw the whole class in.

Though, because I want to be a kindergarten teacher, I probably wouldn't use this technique quite as often as I would if I taught in the older grades. It would be a fun activity sporadically but it could be difficult with students.

Obviously, since I took Dr. Diers classes, I'd used the clickers, but I'd never really thought of the effect they had in the classroom. I think they're a great tool to draw the students into the classroom.


  1. I think you're right it wouldn't be practical to use it in classrooms Pre-K but upper elementary sure could.

  2. So sorry I havent been keeping up I always forget about blogging!I think you could use it in Pre-K but it would be more for fun then academic use.
