Sunday, September 20, 2009

Day 4

I thought that doing the presentations in class the other day was great. It gave a lot of ideas. And I felt it also gave me experience on how to put together a presentation for a class which was great. I think this was very useful and I will most definitely use this presentation AND the idea in the future.

I also talked with my teacher for my observation hours for another class about Mimio's. We discussed how to use it and what not and she had no idea what it even was. She asked me what it was and wanted details. She had no idea how to use it. I think it'd be cool of we could get those working in the classroom cause I think they could be a good tool if you use them right.


  1. It's amazing how schools differ so greatly on there knowledge and use of technology. I think it's really great that you're trying to help out your teacher!

  2. Agreed teacher can always use help from us!
